The Vases are divided into 6 distinct types as follows:.
1. PY Polychrome. This is the largest group of vases and are painted using a variety of colors. An example is K0528
2. CX Codex Style. Named for the resemblance to Maya Codices, these vases generally have white or beige backgrounds with black or dark brown fine line. The rims are red. The subject matter is usually mythological in nature. K0521
3. BW Black & White. These vases resemble Codex Style but have black rims rather than red. Subject matter deals with titles and other family information. Their iconographical element may be, as in the example, the sexual organs of the flower. K1547
4. CV Carved. Carved from the clay when it is leather hard, before firing.. K4333
5. IN Incised. Generally fine line incising when the clay is leather hard or sometimes after the vase has been fired. K6495
6. MD Molded. Made by pressing clay into a 2 part mold. Two sides are then joined together and fired. Multiple copies are for wide distribution. K4966