One of the icons that best elucidates the description of scribe or artist in Maya painting and sculpture is a device worn behind the ear or tucked into the headdress. This device is seen on a number of Codex style, polychrome, and incised vessels, and also on the famous sculpture of the scribe from Copán. All of the scribes, carvers, and artists that wear the symbol are supernaturals. The device is often oval in shape with an e ![]() Other attributes, such as netting, brushes and bundles, which identify scribes and artisans, both supernatural and mortal, may appear. All of these devices are worn tied to, tucked into,or otherwise attached to the headdress. In The Maya Book of the Dead, Robicsek and Hales describe the supernatural icon as large deer ears (pp. 61-63). In The Blood of Kings, Schele and Miller also describe this device as deer ears (p. 142), and to quote Dorie Reents-Budet writing in Painting the Maya Universe ..."a deer ear tucked behind the artist's ear..." (p. 41). ![]() I believe that the identification of the scribal icon as a deer's ear stems from the fact that various characters wear a deer's ear on Codex Style vases published by Robicsek and Hales, (Vessels 14 and 15, K1559 and K1182). It should be noted that in one case the deer's ear is marked with a cross design (band-aid) and on the other a caban sign. None of the characters that wear the deer's ear on Codex Style vessels are portrayed as scribes, but there is good evidence that these images are associated with the deer in various Maya legends. ![]() However, a polychrome vase (K6552) came to my attention in which this scribal icon, the artists' paint pot, is rendered in a most realistic manner and is also spelled out in the hieroglyphic text. Tucked into the headband of the individual shown on this vase, is his carve ![]() ![]() ![]() It becomes apparent then, that the icon Maya artists were painting and attaching to scribes does not represent a deer's ear, but rather represents that most important part of the scribe's equipment, his paint container. Barbara Kerr has pointed out, that generally on vases, where the scribal icon is present behind the ear, the paint container is not present in the scribe's hand. I would also suggest that the scribe might have also been a storyteller; one whose function was not only to place words on paper, pots, and stone, but to verbalize the stories as well. This function as storyteller may have had political implications. Who would have been better equipped to accompany a royal messenger or to have been the messenger himself, than a scribe? The ability to use words and to be able to keep records, create documents, to sum, is almost magical and would raise such a person to shamanic levels. If we accept the description of the artists' icon as his kuch (paint pot), and his identification as a literate person, it then may be possible to suggest the symbolic use of another object in the Mesoamerican repertoire of artifacts, the Olmec "spoon." The resemblance of the Olmec "spoon" and the Maya artists' paint pot or container first occurred to me in writing a note for the Copan Notes series.4 ![]() ![]() |
This paper was first presented at a meeting of the Precolumbian Society of Washington, DC on October 6, 1994.
Since the first presentation of this work, an artifact has come to our attention which is worth describing in the context of this paper. A small pendant (7 cm in length and 3 cm wide) in the shape of an open hand with four fingers bend inward towards the palm. The pendant has two drill holes just underneath the fingers and if suspended from those holes, the object would hang vertically. This pendant is very similar to the shell paint container illustrated in Painting the Maya Universe, p. 43, which is almost the size of a human hand. It suggests that the ah itz, that is, the scribe or one associated with the scribal arts would have worn such a pendant as a symbol of his rank or duties. This seems to coincide with the Olmec practice of making "spoons" function as pendants. There appears to be then, a number of symbols and objects which define the scribe, the ah itz, the ah k'u hun, all members of the tribe of communicators who hoild a very important role among the ancient Maya. |
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The author wishes to thank Barbara Kerr, Dr. Sandra Noble, Inga Calvin, and Dr. Kent Reilly for having read a first draft of this manuscript and for their input and suggestions. All errors and misinterpretations are those of the author. Notes: 1.1997 Coe, Michael and Justin Kerr, The Art of the Maya Scribe. Thames and Hudson, London. pp. 148-150 2, 1994 Reents-Budet, Dorie. Painting the Maya Universe: Royal Ceramics of the Classic Period. Duke University Press, Durham 3.1993 MacLeod, Barbara. The Affix T174 as Kuch "seat, carry, (storage) place." Unpublished manuscript 1990 4. Kerr, Justin. A Scribe on Stela 63 at Copán, Honduras. Copán Mosaics Project, Copán Note 94, Austin 5..1985 Schele, Linda and Mary Miller. The Blood of Kings: Dynasty and Ritual in Maya Art. Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth. Plate 44, (K2873 |