Research Material

Link to Eric Boot's article on the collocation of the intial sign in the PSS

Comments from Barbara MacLeod addressed to Erik

What you might wish to mention (in a sentence) is that Yuriy Polyukhovych and I independently reached the same conclusions about the alay reading, and when we pooled our evidence, we found we had a lot more evidence together, even without these a-la-ya spellings (I did not know about any of them at the time). The monumental examples of the Initial Sign and the linguistic data make a very strong case for a meaning 'here'.Yuriy and I plan to write this up soon for the Research Reports. 

PS The form alay actually appears in Acalan Chontal as [an+alay] 'exists here'.

Additional comment from Barbara MacLeod

I sure love these a-la-ya spellings, after all the hard work that Yuriy and I put into reaching the reading without them! I think we have put paid to that hitherto undeciphered sign.

Did you know that the standard a-MIRROR-ya is the LAST glyph in two panel texts at Ek' Balam? As 'here' it works perfectly, but, it certainly isn't an 'initial sign'. The [ta an-alay] example in the Acalan is also at the end of the sentence.

High resolution images of the glyphs of vase K8123

The seated visitor is offering the above package to the ruler on the throne.
High resolution images of the text follow.